Saturday, October 3, 2015

Best Poker of His Life!

My poker friend DVD (not a complete idiot) had a crazy roller coaster of a poker day yesterday.  I rolled up to the casino in the afternoon and got seated in a 20/40 game.  DVD who normally plays limit for some inexplicable reason was playing the 10/25 no limit game.  About 3 hours later DVD comes over to the 20/40 game having lost a mid-4 figure sum at the no-limit game.  I don't think he expected to be able to get even for the day, let alone, actual winner, but he did.

Soon thereafter we pseudo-kicked the stakes up, by reintroducing the kill back into the game.  For the next 7 hours or so, DVD proceeded to run over the table by playing the Best Poker of His Life!

Some examples of the Best Poker of His Life (I may trademark this, I like the way it sounds):
  • AK call down against AQ on a wet board when raised on the turn against a guy who had already announced he wasn't going to try and bluff him anymore.
  • KJ river bet, getting me to lay down QQ on a J74, one club, some random club on the turn, and then A club on the river, by donking the river, with me next to act, with the flop-raiser, EGT, (who I 3-bet on the flop), behind me.
  • AK call against ?? on a board with a 4 liner straight with top-pair top-kicker after agonizing and showing the hand to the same guy who had already tried to bluff him three times (I thought this was an excruciatingly obvious call, but whatever).
  • AA against my 99 and ??.  DVD capped pre-flop and then took a passive line against me and EGT, and successfully got maximum action by allowing me and EGT to hang ourselves, especially EGT, when he raised the turn with God knows what that couldn't win when the T paired the board on the river (I think, either turn or river, but I think it was the river).
  • I'm sure there were others, but these are the ones I recall distinctly.
I left before DVD, but at the time I left, combined we were up over 167 bets.  In other words, the two of us were basically the only ones winning.  Now the strange thing is, I don't really recall who was the big loser.

In any case, it was a fun day slinging chips over the poker felt.


Anonymous said...

Has the 40 died?
Had the chance to play some PLO with Matt on Wednesday.
He is quite versatile

WackyPoker said...

Yes, I have played HORSE with him as well.