Sunday, December 26, 2010

Off to Vegas?

Maybe, it's a huge SNAFU, it seems like to get anything organized with gamboolers, who live by the moment with no penchant for advanced planning of any kind. Hopefully I will be on the road within the hour. Thanks to my mother-in-law for visiting and my understanding wife for giving me a 72 hour junket.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays

It's that time of the year again. Things have slowed down at work fortunately this year. Looks like we are going to be able to sample our part to customers without any issue meeting our targeted December 2010 commercial sample release date. We have two tape outs early next year, which means things will be getting interesting/busy early next year.

I got a promotion at work to being officially a manager, even though I have been doing technical management and project management for a quite a while now. But now I have people officially reporting to me, and I get to see/write their reviews, see how much they make, etc, etc. Weird stuff.

On the work front, I also had one of my guys working on my project resign because he was not performing up to par, was on a performance improvement plan, and wasn't meeting expectations and was on the road to involuntary termination. I have certainly had better days in my life, and I question whether or not there was more I could do as leader/mentor/coach to help him. But I suppose there's only so much I can do, before it really becomes his responsibility. But still, it is tough, particularly with the holidays and the job market so tough. In some ways I feel like I failed, and failure is always tough to swallow.

Picked my mother-in-law and nephew up from the airport today. They will be staying with us until New Years Eve. My kids and my nephew get along great and they play really well, and my wife loves it since they are so preoccupied with each other, she doesn't really have to do anything, except make sure that they are not doing anything to kill themselves.

I got out and played last night. I never got an opportunity to play the 20/40. I haven't played on Tuesday evenings for a while and I forgot that Tuesdays are Alan nights at Oceans. The board was deep and nobody was moving. The 20 game was one of the better games I have seen in a long time. Instead I played 8/16 and ran like god, and won 4.5 racks in 4 hours. Plus I got an extra $40 for offering to roll my name on the 20/40 list so that the next name on the list, who happened to be sitting to my right, could take the game sooner. This transaction took place around 10pm, and since I knew that the list wasn't going to move, and I was planning on leaving at around midnight, it was a good move on my part. I collected the $40, and at around 11:45pm, his name got called. The must move 8-16 which we were playing short broke a little after midnight and I went home.

Sooooo, I thought I was going to get to bed fairly early around 1am, but NO, my kids had to go and download Angry Birds on to my iPad. I got home and started playing it for a little bit, just to relax a bit, but silly me I get hooked on the game and play until 3am. Go figure, guess I should have taken the 20 game anyways. Would have gotten to bed at the same time.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Double down

Not much in the way of poker to report. I have been very busy at work the last couple of weeks. I wanted to play last night but when I called the casino around 8 pm there was a bad short-handed 40 and no 20 game going. So instead a buddy of mine and I want to Pala casino instead and ate at the buffet and played blackjack. I won 600 bucks.