Monday, August 3, 2015

And it is glorious indeed!

How long has it been?  Seems like it's been a while, but never fear loyal reader, I have not forsaken you.  Been a fairly good year, life-wise.  Since I am student, the beginning and ending of each year for me is now determined by the beginning of the academic term, not January.  Finished my second year of law school.  My article was accepted for publication in a law review back east.  I finished up my summer position at the local office of a national law firm.  Got an offer to come back full time when I graduate, which I will be accepting once the paperwork shows up.  And now I have just a few more things left on my checklist:

Finish 3L year and graduate.
Complete Moral Character Requirement Application.
Pass the Multi-state Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE).
Pass the Patent Bar Exam.
Pass the California Bar Exam.

The end is actually in sight.  Woo hoo!  I absolutely killed myself 2L year.  I took a full load both semesters, and worked my brains out, in hopes of having an easy 3L year.  Not looking like that is totally going to happen.  I have judicial externships in both the fall and spring lined up, so that's really going to be a squeeze on my bandwidth, but c'est la vie.

Some housekeeping notes, congrats to M.S. (not a complete idiot) for joining Crush Club.  Apparently, he's played many years and never won more than 100 bets in a single session of 24 hours or less before, and recently he's done it at least 2 or 3 times, depending on exactly how a session is defined.  But since it's my club, I get to make the admission rules.  Admission criteria is must win 100 big bets in 24 hours or less, from buy-in to cash-out, and can't be prick or someone I don't like.  Doesn't count if you double or triple dip, or if the game breaks and then restarts later and your combined win exceeds 100 bets.  Them's the rules.  You don't like it, make your own damn club.

I must also inaugurate another friend of mine; he absolutely crushed it on Saturday, and is my new limit holdem hero.  He won 212.5 bets in a 20/40 limit game in under 12 hours.

Nice stack (taken a few hours prior to cashing out)

Today, I played the following awesome, glorious hand in the 8/16 game.

9- handed game.  UTG limps, UTG + 2 2-bets, UTG +3 3-bets, cold-call, cold-call, I 4-bet SB with 8h8d, all calls.  6-way action, 24 bets.  Flop comes Q62, two diamonds.  I bet, UTG raises, UTG +2 cold calls, pre-flop 3-bettor folds, rest call, 5-way for 34 bets to the turn, which is 7d.  I check, UTG bets, we lose one and I call getting 21:1.  River is an offsuit 8.  I check, UTG bets, UTG +2 calls, cutoff calls, fold, I check/raise, UTG calls, rest fold, and I drag a massive pot.

Didn't actually see the hands, but UTG claims 66, UTG+2 claims AA, UTG+3 claims JJ, UTG+4 claims KQ.  Whee, that was a fun hand.

I played one 40/80 session so far this summer, and will play my next this Friday hopefully.  At least this Friday, I can be there early to start the game.  I have a few weeks of freedom, before the 3L grind starts up again.

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