Sunday, July 29, 2007

Getting Slaughtered

July has been a very bad month for me poker-wise. I was running very well the since the start of the year, but come July the results have tanked. Not sure if I have been playing particularly bad, other players have gotten a better read on me, or what. I guess I need to spend some time fine-tuning and looking back at the past month of play and see if there are any new leaks or old leads in my game that have returned.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Update to the 2nd Quarter Update

Got out on Friday and Saturday night, so I need to roll those results into the 2nd quarter. Revised numbers are as follows:

Game Result Hours
6/12 116 4.5
8/16 -84 3.667
20/40 -3585 27
40/80 16531 118.25
75/150 6305 3.5

totals = 19283 156.917

Hourly rate = 122.89