Thursday, February 3, 2011

Running Good!

Since January 23rd, 2011 I have put in 27 hours of poker in the 20/40 game, and am up over that time period a bit over 6k. My last 6 sessions:


The last two sessions, I flopped quads. Last night in a 4-handed game, I opened UTG with pocket threes. Button 3-bet me, and the big blind ate two cold. I, of course call, and the flop comes K33. Checked to the button who dutifully bets, BB check-raises, and then I 3-bet. Both players fold and I take it down. I am questioning if 3-betting here is the correct play or not.

On Saturday, I flopped quad aces. Again in a 4-handed game, I open UTG with pocket aces. I forget if the SB called, or not, but the big blind called for sure. Flop comes AA8. I bet, only BB calls. Turn is a King. I bet, BB check-raises, I 3-bet, he 4-bets, I 5-bet, and he insta-folds. Here the 5-bet may be a mistake, but it's a small one if it's a mistake at all, as obviously my opponent shouldn't be 4-betting with a hand that won't call a 5-bet and a river bet. However, I have the deck crushed, and the only reasonable hand for him to have is 88 here to give this much action, and I know he's not going to fold that ever. There is I suppose an infinitesimal chance that he slow played pocket kings preflop, and then just check-called the flop, made his full-house on the turn, and then went crazy, but again he's never folding this hand either, and very likely may even 6-bet on the turn with this hand. After wards I talked to him about this hand, and he claims he had pocket queens, but I find this ludicrous given the play of the hand, but I suppose it may be true, since I can't find any reasonable hand for him to be able to play like this.

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