Sunday, February 20, 2011

Birthday Break Recap

Been a pretty good week this last week. My birthday was on Thursday and I had Thursday and Friday off of work. I'm in the office today writing performance reviews, but I have just finished that up.

What have I accomplished this week? Let's see.

Watched some movies, Karate Kid I and II, Jule and Julia. Started reading Julia Child's autobiography. Caulked the kid's bathroom tub, had a birthday dinner out with my family. Played multiple games of Monopoly junior with my kids. Got a new sweatshirt and a pair of Lucky jeans for my birthday presents. Got to eat an ice cream sandwich for my birthday treat. Oh, and I played poker.

Had a good week poker wise too:
Here's a summary of the week's results:

8 /16 532
20/40 -432
20/40 407
20/40 785
20/40 26
40/80 2480
20/40 247

The last 20/40 session was last night, where I played Helen heads up for quite a while. I started the match with about 50$ shy of $1500. Very quickly she decimated me and had me down 1k. In the first 4 hands I think she made straight, straight, flush, full house. Every time I had something reasonable to pay her off with too. However, eventually the deck started to run true, and I eventually won back all of my money, plus about $300 of hers before she quit at about 12:20am.

I have the day off tomorrow for President's day as well, and I am taking my daughter to an ice-skating birthday party. So maybe, I will get one more session in tonight after dinner. We'll see. February has been a pretty good month, poker results wise. January I was down 2.1k, but so far in February I am up 7.5k.


Anonymous said...

That's a nice 8/16 session at top of week. Does 40/80 not run very often or do you just not play it? Happy birthday!

Shaman said...

The 40/80 does not run regularly like it used to. These days, it usually goes Thursdays and Fridays and occasionally on Saturdays. All of the limit holdem games have been pretty weak lately. I remember back when the economy was doing well, Oceans had a 20/40 game goin 24/7. These days, the 8/16 game which used to be the strongest game in the house, is even breaking sometimes late at night, which never used to happen.