Friday, April 2, 2010

Poor Girl!

I played the 40/80 last night at Oceans-11. There was this nice pretty Korean girl playing. I normally see her playing no-limit, but recently she has been playing limit. She is horrible at limit poker, too. She must have lost around 10k last night. I don't think she can afford to lose that much in a single session. She was getting beat repeatedly, and even when she had big hands someone seemed to make bigger ones. Plus she doesn't really understand the nuances of limit and doesn't know how to protect her hand or what lines to take. It was pretty bad, and I felt really bad for her. Plus I beat up on her repeatedly. Does that make me a bad person?

1 comment:

sean said...

wouldnt feel too bad. i got to watch her incinerate about 4k on thursday before buying in for $300, $200 of it in $20s and $10s and then leave. on friday she was back to playing 5/5. she lost her single bullet, failed at getting more from the ATM and then walked away. shes terrible, she deserved to lose. it was inevitable that she lost and gave up on limit, i just wish i could have gotten more of her $. maybe someday jj will win on j77. oh well.