Friday, October 3, 2008

Roaring Start

Off to a good start heading into the home stretch of the year. I played in an awesome 40/80 game last night. We were playing mandatory live straddle with an immediate rebate. Meaning that UTG posted a live 80, if it came around for 3 bets, the straddler had the option of calling, but not putting in any more chips, or folding and taking 4 chips back. That really sparked the action. Eventually some people left, busted out, and some new people took their places and the must-straddle died out. But it was going good for quite a while. I finished up 2100 in 3.75 hours, and quit when the game got short and went and played 20/40 for 1.75 hours and dropped a 100 there, so overall I finished the night up 2000. Good start!

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