Tuesday, September 30, 2008

3rd Quarter Results

3rd Quarter 2008 is in the books for me. I played a lot more poker in the last 3 months than normal, since my wife was out of town for so long. I logged over 320 hours the past three months, and finished the quarter up $1506 for a screaming hourly rate of 4.69 an hour! Woo-hoo, winner winner chicken dinner. Actually I'm quite happy with these results, as you can see from the graph, I was severely stuck at one point and made a nice comeback. Hopefully the 4th quarter of 2008, I won't have a big nosedive at the beginning of the quarter, and my current hot streak will continue.

Here's the summary by game:
6/12 +74 0.5
8/16 +210 12.843
15/30 even 5.5
20/40 +1229 124.6
30/60 -1800 19.0
40/80 +2420 155.75
2/3NL +30 0.16
5/5NL -657 2.6

Guess, I'm a no-limit fish, but I don't play it very often.

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