Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sleeping is Overrated (NOT)

I played in an absolutely awesome 40/80 game last night at Oceans-11. I played until 6am this morning, went home, got like 3 hours sleep and then had to get ready to go the Minneapolis. The game had Evan Almighty, Tommy, and Pierre in it. Pierre just kept reloading $500 at a time from the ATM/Money Fairy machine. It was pretty ridiculous. I think he went to that damn machine at least 5 or 6 times. Every time he bought 500, and being short-stacked he still played like every hand. Talk about loose-passive, check-call, check-call, check-call, like every time. The few times he actually had hands, everybody else either mucked immediately as soon as he made an aggressive action, or outdrew him since he was short-stacked. I outdrew his pocket queens with pocket deuces by filling up on the river when I hit a deuce. I raised preflop 4-handed on the button with the deuces, he just called in the big blind with pocket queens with only 4 sbs total in his stack! Flop comes like 996 or something like that. He bets, I tell him to put it all in, he complies and I spike my 2 outer on the river.

Unfortunately, even though the game was awesome, I finished up only up 1 rack. Still it has been a while since I booked a win in the 40/80 game, so I'll take it.

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