Monday, September 30, 2013

That's a wrap

Well my first month of law school is in the books.  I am having a grand time.  I really like being back in school, being intellectually challenged and thinking critically about the assigned reading.  So far, I have not felt like the work load has been anything that I can't handle.  Although the next month, I may regret having said that.  This week looks fairly full.  And all 3 of my substantive courses have midterms.  I thought that wasn't supposed to happen in law school.  Oh well.  I have midterms scheduled on the 8th, 22, and 28 of October.

This week is going to be fairly busy.  I need to study up for my midterm next Tuesday in civil procedure and I have a 1250 word legal memo due this Friday at 9am.  I have read all of the cases regarding the legal memo, but need to pencil in some time for actual drafting of the memo, which I imagine will take at least 8 to 10 hours minimum.  That and the studying I need to do for my midterm will make me a very busy guy this week.

September poker wise is also in the books. I had my best month of the year dollar wise, making 11k in 49.5 hours, so I am happy about that.  In other news Helen who continues to hate me, had another bad night on Friday, in no small part due to me.  I got her good quite a few times, with bluffs, value bets, and suck-outs (maybe).  Here's one hand I played, in which I think I sucked out on her, but it's possible I flopped the best hand.

Amos, drunk and spewing, live straddles.  UTG+1 folds, I 3-bet next up the QdJd, Helen caps next up, and it folds around to Amos and he calls, and I call.  Flop comes QJ5 1 diamond.  Checked to Helen, who bets, Amos calls, I raise, Helen calls, Amos calls.  Turn T.  I bet, Helen raises, Amos folds, I call.  River J.  I check, Helen bets, I raise, and she insta calls, and I win.  She lost probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 racks on the night and was super frustrated and on tilt most of the night.  I am beginning to think that she comes pre-tilted.

October is shaping up to be a light poker playing month for me.  I will probably play this Friday, but the next couple of weeks after that I have family commitments on Fridays that will likely prevent me from playing.

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