Friday, May 11, 2012

Suited Connectors

I won a 30 big bet pot (that's 1200 dollars), in the 20/40 game at Oceans.  Action went off 6 ways capped preflop, with me being the capper preflop with 9hTh on the button.

Flop came KQ8 two diamonds.  I was donked into, just called, then all hell broke loose and it was 3-bet back to me, so I capped it.  Turn was an interesting card the 6 diamonds.  I now have a double gutter in a 24 big bet pot, and once again I get donked into.  I of course called, two players dropped out, so going into the river we have a 28 big bet pot.  The river is an offsuit jack, and now everyone checks to me.  I contemplate, slam out a bet, and get called by very likely top-set or middle set, and scoop a ginourmous pot!

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