Monday, March 5, 2012

Radio Check

Just curious, if I still have an audience out there. I know that I don't post too frequently, maybe couple times of month, but I am wondering if I am just wasting my time or if there are others out there who actually read this stuff.

So, if you are a regular reader, or just an occasional visitor, leave a comment indicating what part of the world, you are reading from.

Based on responses, I may decide to retire from this.


Anonymous said...

I'm a reader from the Bay Area.

Eddie said...

Always readin'

Anonymous said...

I'm reading / lurking from Canada - I tend not to comment on any articles I read, not just yours, but really enjoy your posts and hope you keep at it!

Anonymous said...

bay area, too

Anonymous said...

Never miss one. Even posted questions but you don't respond...great job

Shaman said...

Sorry if I missed your questions. If you don't mind repeating them here, I will do my best to respond.