Friday, October 8, 2010

Good Luck Charm

Apparently, my new daughter is my new good luck charm. I have played three days since she was born and I have won :

$500 8/16 and mostly 20/40
$2500 20/40
$3900 20/40 and mostly 40/80

For a total of $6900 in about 15 hours of play for a staggering $460 per hour rate. And here's the thing, I don't feel as if I have been particularly running hot, or that the other players have been horrific. I have been just playing my normal game, and seem to be value betting correctly, slowing down when I need to, and bluffing where it makes sense.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Congrats Wacky, sounds like your new daughter has done wonders for your Karma :)