Just curious how many regular readers, if there are any, that I have. So if you read on a semi-regular basis, how about posting a comment, and just say from what part of the world you are reading from.
This blog is intended mostly for me. I plan on using it as an on-line journal to muse and post and pretty much put up whatever I feel like ranting and raving about. It will probably have a lot of poker content, as I like to think and play a lot of poker, but I will likely post on other topics as I see fit.
I'm reading from Montreal. We don't have much limit HE here, but I enjoy your thoughts on the game
From the Hood
I'm reading from Toronto - just stumbled over your blog from Jesse's a couple of weeks ago.
from boston..stumbled on here from 2+2 i think..play same games as you on east coast
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