Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I did this yesterday online and saw it pulled off by another person yesterday live in a 40/80 game.

I got pocket aces (AdAc) in the small blind in a 1/2 6-max online table currently playing 4-handed, I was playing for fun while watching TV. I check-raised all 3-streets!

In fact it was even better than that. Preflop button open-raises, I 3-bet from the SB, he capped. Having watched this guy's play, he sucked, was overaggressive in bad spots and couldn't lay down a hand. I check-raise the flop on a board of 4c 8d 5h. He 3-bet, I called. I check-raised the Ks turn, he 3-bet, I called. I check-raised the Td river, he 3-bet, and I called. My aces were good, he had QcTc, that finally made a pair on the river. I had him drawing stone dead on the turn, and he put in 6 BBs! It's not often that you can have your opponent drawing stone dead on turn with just a single pair. Actually, the river check-raise by me is kind of suspect. He easily could have had KT, K8, T8, 45, and made two pair on the river. The better play is to bet and then call a raise. But with this guy so bluff happy, I was willing to let him bluff one more street. On the river I really hated calling the 3-bet, but now I have to given the pot size, which is why bet-call would have been better.

Another player did it to a really bad player in a live 40/80 game where he had pocket queens and she had AJ, on a JJxQy board. He check-raised the flop, turn, and river. It was pretty awesome.

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