Monday, March 16, 2009

Bad Beat!

Now, I normally don't like to tell bad beat stories. Nobody wants to hear them, they happen to all of us, and if they didn't happen, the winning players in the game wouldn't be winners. Winning players always take more bad beats than they give, because obviously the winning players are usually ahead, and don't need river cards to win.

I was playing at Oceans-11 tonight in a 3-handed 40/80 with overs. All 3 players had overs, so it was really 40/80/160. I live straddle my button, SB folds, BB calls, I 3-bet on the button with two fives. Flop comes 445. I bet, BB calls. Turn is a ten. BB check raises me and I 3-bet. River is a 4. BB check raises me again, and I just call. He shows me 94 offsuit. Nice one outer. I lose an even 1k on that hand.

Very next hand, I am the big blind. Button raises, SB calls, I call with T9 offsuit with the 9 being a spade. Flop comes 678 two spades. SB checks, I bet, button raises, SB mucks, I 3-bet, button calls. Turn is rag spade, I bet, button calls. River is another spade, and I check-call to see button's pocket aces with the ace of spades. Beautiful. I lose 640 on that hand.

I win both of those hands like I'm supposed to I go home a big winner instead of a 2300 dollar loser. Wheee, isn't poker fun?

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