Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm Recovered

I basically slept since Friday night 8pm til about Saturday morning 10:30 am or so. Got up for a little bit, then slept some more in the afternoon, had some soup, watched the ladies figure skating on TV with my wife and then slept some more. I took some Dimetapp twice, once around 1pm, and again around 9pm. That stuff knocks me out whenever I take it, which is one of the many reasons I don't like to take drugs of any kind.

Slept some more on Sunday as well, until about 11am or so. These are sort of the sleeping hours I have when I go play poker as well, only this time I was sick, so my wife was letting me sleep in to try and recover. My wife knows that when I am really sick, all I do is sleep. She knows I am better when my appetite has returned, because normally when I am sick I will just sleep and sleep and sleep.

I feel a lot better now, and should be good to go for the work-week ahead. This is my last week of work before I go on vacation for a week, so I am looking forward to that. Hopefully I will get some time in for rest and relaxation, which I definitely need these days.

Did my taxes tonight, I owe the federal government a shade under 5k, and I am getting back from the state a little over 1.5k, assuming the state of California is paying its bills again.

Also I have to pay my property taxes too, they are due April 10th or so. Sheesh, with all the money I am sending to the government in the next 15 days or so, I'm going to need to make a killing at the poker tables.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


No pokers this weekend, unless I make a miraculous recovery. That is all.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm no longer a no limit fish, for now.

So I went to Oceans-11 last night after the kids went to bed to get a little poker action in. Unfortunately Oceans was pretty dead with only one 20/40 game and one 8/16 game going. The 20/40 game didn't look too hot either, with no major donators in the game. So I ended up playing my record longest session ever of no-limit holdem in a casino.

I played the 5/5 blinds no-limit game and bought in for one thousand American dollars. I end up getting stacked in this hand, I limp after a couple of limpers on button with 97s. Flop comes A68, two spades. Checked around. Turn is an offsuit T. SB bets 40, MP limper calls, I pop it on the button to 150, both call. River is K, no spade. SB checks, MP bets like 200, I push for like 450 total, SB folds, MP calls and flips over QJo no spade. Ooops. Don't worry, I rebuy another 500, and proceed to build it up to $1675, and cash out a $175 dollar profit in 4.5 hours of "work". I'll take it! It also helps when you get dealt pocket aces three times and pocket kings once and they all hold up.

Here's my lifetime results in that game:
16.006 hours played over 22 sessions (normally I play only when I am waiting for another game).
13 winning sessions, 9 losing sessions.
Total net win: $39

Last night's win made me a lifetime winner in that game. If I quit playing that game now, I can forever say that I beat the Oceans-11 5/5 no limit game, for the grand sum of $39!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Game Selection, Seat Selection, Table Selection

So I was in a pretty good and bad 40/80 game last night at Oceans-11. It looked like it was going to be a good game for me with a major donator in the game with like 6 racks. I tried to get in the seat to his immediate left, but one of the more observant players in the game locked up the seat before I got my chips down and was able to take a hand. Thus I was relegated to the 9 seat, while the donator was in the 5 seat. Seat 6 was the player who just moved and is a good player, very aggressive, sometimes overly so. Seat 7 was a pro from LA who usually plays bigger, but lately has been playing a lot at Oceans in the 20 and 40 games. Seat 8 was a semi-regular in the game and a nit. Seat 2 is another good pro, who plays a very good game. So it was basically the 5 of us trying to take the 5 seat's money. Not such a good idea. He was hitting left and right and making everyone pay. He cashed out a good 7 or 8 racks, although he had 6 or so racks when I sat down.

He left, but luckily another bad player who took the 4 seat, joined the game before he exited stage left with everyone's money including a little of mine. Thus I was able to move to the 5 seat and get position on the new bad player. I fared a little better here, but I think my chip count varied between 1200 and 3000 pretty much all night. Now, here's where I made a mistake. The 4 seat decided his seat was unlucky or something, plus he's a notorious seat changer anyways, so he moved from the 4 seat to the 9 seat. I decided to slide over to the 3 seat so I could chat with my friend in the 2 seat. Now the 9 seat decides to move to the 5 seat. Doh, in the matter of like 5 or 6 hands, I went from the best seat in the game to the worst! So I had no choice, but to move to 9 seat now. Luckily I had put my name on the 20/40 game and as soon as a seat came available in that game I went ahead and took it. I booked a 420 win in that not very good 40/80 game in 3.5 hours and was pretty happy to do it.

The 20/40 game was extremely juicy and I won 755 in a little over an hour and half, picked up a little after 2am and came home.

Radio Test

I did some blog maintenance tonight. Not sure if there are too many people out there in the intertubes who are actually reading my rantings and ravings. So if you're a regular reader, I'd appreciate it if you'd indicate so in the followers box, or by leaving a comment on this post. Not that I worry too much about getting traffic to this site, but it would be nice to know that I'm not just rambling to myself.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Double Dipping!

A bunch of guys I am friendly with at Oceans have an expression we call "double dipping". It's where you come to the casino have a winning session, leave for whatever reason, and then come back for more in the same 24-hour period. Well I double-dipped yesterday, for the first time ever.

I had a light morning in the office, and I had an early afternoon appointment outside the office. So afterwords I went and played some cards. I made $1200 between the 20/40 and 40/80 games I played in a relatively short amount of time. I left around 5:30pm so I could get home to the wife and kids, who were none the wiser. After going out to dinner with them, the wife gave me her blessing to play cards, so ... I showed back up at Oceans-11 around 9pm or so. Steve the floor man working that night said goodbye to me as I was leaving the first time, and did a double take when he saw me walking in again. He gave me that confused look of huh, didn't I just see you leave? I just smiled and explained the situation to him. He got a good chuckle out of it.

In any case, the back end of my double header was a good one. I got into a really juicy 40/80 game with two mega-fish and a couple of guppies. I had a good night and finished just a little shy of booking a 4k win.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bad Beat!

Now, I normally don't like to tell bad beat stories. Nobody wants to hear them, they happen to all of us, and if they didn't happen, the winning players in the game wouldn't be winners. Winning players always take more bad beats than they give, because obviously the winning players are usually ahead, and don't need river cards to win.

I was playing at Oceans-11 tonight in a 3-handed 40/80 with overs. All 3 players had overs, so it was really 40/80/160. I live straddle my button, SB folds, BB calls, I 3-bet on the button with two fives. Flop comes 445. I bet, BB calls. Turn is a ten. BB check raises me and I 3-bet. River is a 4. BB check raises me again, and I just call. He shows me 94 offsuit. Nice one outer. I lose an even 1k on that hand.

Very next hand, I am the big blind. Button raises, SB calls, I call with T9 offsuit with the 9 being a spade. Flop comes 678 two spades. SB checks, I bet, button raises, SB mucks, I 3-bet, button calls. Turn is rag spade, I bet, button calls. River is another spade, and I check-call to see button's pocket aces with the ace of spades. Beautiful. I lose 640 on that hand.

I win both of those hands like I'm supposed to I go home a big winner instead of a 2300 dollar loser. Wheee, isn't poker fun?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's the Economy, Dummy!

The games at Oceans have been really weak lately. Oceans started a nice feature where they send out a text message when a high limit game starts, like 20/40 or 40/80. Unfortunately, they aren't very consistent about sending out the text message. When Lonnie works, he seems to be pretty good about sending out the text message. So on Wednesday I got a text message in the early evening that a 40/80 game got started. I sent out some messages and it was revealed to me that the game was pretty good. So I went ahead and headed out to the casino. I got there about 8:30pm. There was a single 40/80 with a short list, NO 20/40! It had broken at 7:45pm. I don't think I have ever seen that before. Even the 40/80 broke early around 11:30pm or so that night, so I didn't play that long, and I won the grand total of 16 bucks in that game. I did however go on a heater and won over 1k in the 8/16 game that I played for a couple of hours.

I've had a very good last week, results wise. I played 4 days, 8 different sessions (I consider playing at any level a session), and I won in all 8. Not all were huge wins, but at least I didn't lose in any of them. I'll have to double check my logs, but I don't think I've had a perfect week for quite a while. For the week, I put in a total of 20.75 hours and averaged $200.67 an hour, so pretty damn good. I have been working really hard on playing my A game, all of the time, particularly preflop, and I think that I am starting to play dividends.