Friday, November 14, 2008

Expert Play

I played an interesting hand last night. 40/80 at Oceans-11. I have just won a couple of pots off of Max and it looks like he was starting to tilt a little bit. He announced that he was going to 3-bet me every time I opened the pot. Couple of hands later, this hand pops up. Mike limps UTG, I 2-bet pocket aces, couple of folds to Max, who 3-bets, button calls, both blinds call, Mike caps it for me, everyone calls. 7 way action 4-bets each. Flop comes JT5 2 clubs, I have the ace of clubs. Check to Max who bets, button folds (really, really bad, not sure how you can fold anything here getting 29:1, with any hand you called with preflop), SB raises, BB calls, Mike calls, I decide to just call, expecting Max to 3-bet. Max just calls (whoops). Turn is a rag spade, now putting 2 clubs and 2 spades. SB checks (can we say flush draw?), BB checks, Mike checks, I bet, Max raises, SB calls, BB folds, Mike folds. River is a red 9. SB checks, I check, Max bets, SB folds. I tank for a little while, Max starts talking, I check/raise after like 30 seconds of thinking. Max instacalls. Pocket kings no good sir. I was going to just call, until Max started chirping.

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