Saturday, December 1, 2007

Running over the Table

Played in the 75/150 last night at Oceans-11. It was a weird night. I got there about 9:30pm, a little later than usual since my kids didn't want to go to sleep. When I arrived there was a short-handed 40/80, 2 full 20/40, and a full 75/150. I got seated in the 40/80 and only played like 45 minutes before the game broke. I then got in a 20/40 game where I only played for 30 minutes, and the only hand I played was pocket aces that got cracked by pocket eights. The original lineup in the 75/150 looked super juicy, but by the time my name got called the lineup wasn't as good any more. I was debating not taking it, but David T convinced me to play since he wanted my seat in the 20/40.

I ended up owning that table. I made $5650 in 4.5 hours. My big hands held up, and all my bluffs seemed to work, and more than my share of draws got there.

I made one masterful bluff (in my opinion) on Jamie. Jaime is a very loose aggressive player. 6-handed he raises under the gun, all folds to me. I call in the big blind with 45c. Flop is 4 6 7 all spades. bet-raise-call. Turn is king of hearts. check-bet-raise-call. River is 9 spades. I bet, Jaime hems and haws and starts complaining. He mucks 2 red jacks face up, and I take it down. Pretty good move, huh?

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