Monday, November 19, 2007

Thousand Dollar Scan!

Oceans-11 is having a promotion where your player's card gets scanned every hour and as you accumulate hours you can get cash back. It's sort of the Brick+Mortar equivalent to the rake back deal of on-line casinos.

So on Saturday night (really early Sunday Morning) at 1:55 am, I decide that I'm going to get the 2am scan and then call it quits and head home. At that point I had 3 racks and 2 stacks in front of me in the 40/80 game. I was up $1400 and was having a good night. Unfortunately, the girl who does the scans for whatever reason was inexplicably late doing the scans for this hour. Normally, the scan happens right around 5 to 10 minutes after the hour. In this case she came by at 2:25 am instead.

Don't worry in the half an hour I played while I was waiting for the damn scan only cost me a thousand bucks. I flopped a set of 4's on all spade board while I was in the BB. I called a raise from early position after a few other callers, including the SB. I think there was a total of 5 of us. In any case the flop came Qs 4s 8s. Long story short, many bets went in. I lost to the small blind's AKs who flopped the nuts and it held up. I was drawing totally live though. Then I lost a few other pots where I flopped TPTK, and ended up losing by the river.

So I still went home a winner, but not nearly as big as I would have if I had left earlier. I know that in the long-run it won't really matter as it's just one big long game, and I should be focused on performance, not results.

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