I didn't get to play the 40/80 at Oceans on Friday, since I spent the day up in Los Angeles with the family getting photos taken. So apparently I missed the biggest spaceship of all time. Oh well.
Then on Saturday after mass and taking the kids to the church festival I get informed that the 40/80 has gone over the weekend again and is still full here on Saturday at around 7pm. I eventually finished up with the family and the kids and get up to Oceans a little after 9pm. The game breaks down fairly quickly and is 3-handed for a while with me, Helen, and Andy W. Eventually Helen quits, I am stuck like a rack, and then Andy and I play heads up for a while. I get unstuck and eventually $892 winner before Andy needs to bail. He brought his wife with him and he's on a short lease when she says it's time to go home.
I had a couple of beers and want to wait it off, so I sit around for a bit and eventually get into a full 8/16 kill that I proceed to crush. I lost exactly 2 showdowns in 80 minutes of play. One with A9, that I really probably should have folded the river and lost to pocket tens. Then another with AJs against KJo on a QT9xA board. I 3-bet preflop, but got c/r on the flop and called down, spiked an ace and felt compelled to call, just in case the preflop raiser had KQ or QJ.
I did get to 5-bet the turn with 55 on a TT52 board in which I raised preflop got 2 cold-callers, then the button 3-button, the big blind came along, and everyone else called for a 5-way pot for 3 bets each. Flop came T52, 2 clubs. I donked right in, call, call, raise, fold, I 3-bet, call, call, call. Turn was another T. I bet, first cold-caller raised, folded back around to me, I 3-bet, he 4-bet, I 5-bet, he called. Turn was the 7 of clubs. I bet, he called. I announced pocket deuces no good sir, and opened my hand. He of course had ducks, while the button exclaimed he folded pocket sevens on the turn.
Then I played an interesting hand right near the end of my session where I was getting ready to go. Preflop limper who's a weak player in middle position. I raise A9o on the button, big blind and limper called. Big blind has been playing fairly tight and has a fold button post flop as well. Flop comes A86 rainbow. Big blind donks, Danger Will Robinson! Limper calls, I call. Turn is a 9 still rainbow. Big blind bets again, limper raises, I tank for a few seconds and 3-bet. Both call. River is a jack, for a final board of A869J rainbow. Both check to me, I tank for a good 10 seconds. I finally bet, big blind calls, limper folds, and I take the pot. I think the big blind either had AT, AQ, A8, A6, 86, while the limper had 87s or 67s. He would have called the river had he made two pair, so he's most likely hand is a suited connector with a pair and a draw on the turn. I'm not exactly sure what the big blind had, but the jack was definitely a scare card for me, as she easily could have had AJ. The only possible straights were 75, T7, and QT, none of which were likely given the action on the turn.
At the end of the night, I booked a $768 win in 80 minutes. I wish I would've run like a god in the 40 game as opposed to the 8 game. Oh well.
Monday, October 29, 2012
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