Monday, May 31, 2010


Slow Sunday night at Oceans-11 last night. I thought it would be busier given the Memorial holiday weekend. I roll in around 9:15pm or so, and get into a full 20/40 game. By 10:30 or so I was playing heads up with the resident virtual prop.

I totally crushed him and owned his soul repeatedly. It didn't hurt that I ran like god, and flopped like a pair, a strong draw, or better like every time. It certainly didn't hurt either that I got him totally gun-shy and was able to get free cards when I needed and could get him to fold when I didn't have it. I suppose that happens when your opponent flops sets and quads, or starts with a big pocket pair like every 4 hands or so. I crushed him for 5 racks or so before we quit at 1:00 am or so.

He's a super nice guy and I like playing with him. He might not want to play me heads up any more, given that I have beaten him every time now except for once when we played any length of time.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Agua Caliente

Just got back from the road trip. Wife and I decided to take the family to Palm Springs in honor of our 10 year anniversary. Thursday night, I got out to Oceans-11 after work, and booked a 50 big bet win in about 4 hours in the 20/40 game, with the majority of it coming in the last 90 minutes or so.

Friday, drive out to Palm Springs, actually Desert Hot Springs, but close enough to Palms Springs for me. We have been to this hotel before, it's the same one we went to last year.

I got out to Agua Caliente casino Friday night. Poker room was full, but the biggest limit game they had was 4/8, and the mid-stakes no-limit had a long list. So I ended up playing blackjack in the Primrose room, or something like that, in their high-limit salon.

I was playing with two Chinese gambolholics and some Armenian/Russian/Ukranian gun-runner/mobster or at least it seemed like that. The Chinese player with big gambool was betting table limit on two spots, and doubling down in all kinds of spots where he wasn't supposed to. For example, A2 against a dealer 3, double down! 53 against a dealer 4, double down! The other Chinese player, I nicknamed him little gambool, for 2 reasons. One he was flat betting $200 a hand, and he was making mistakes the other way. For example, start with A4 against a dealer 9? Hit, brick a ten, hit again get an ace, and then he would stay? Huh? Whatever.

At least the Armenian/Russian/Ukranian mobster was playing mathematically correct. He was betting table limit as well in two spots as well. So each round of play, there was at least $83000 or more in play against the house. The Chinese gambolholic probably had $25,000 or so in chips, while the gun-runner had at least $60,000 or so at one point.

In any case, I got buried early, made a spectacular comeback and booked a $1125 win at about 3:30 am, and got my ass back to the hotel room.

Wouldn't be surprised to hear the next time I go back there, that the house eventually busted the gambolholics and the gun-runner. They looked like they were in it for the long-haul. Sometimes you can just look into a gambooler's eyes and see it. Yes, they are there until they are busto, or have busted the table and have every chip under the dealers control.

See, I'm not like that, usually. I just wanted to get back to even, book a small win, and get the hell out of there.

Mission Accomplished.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Unlimited holdem

Rolled into Oceans-11 last night and no 20/40 limit game happening. So I decide instead to play the 5/5 no-limit. I put in the longest no-limit session I have every played in my life last night. In all I ended up winning $600 in about 7 hours.

I got a lot more comfortable playing it the longer the session went on. I had one player who seemed to own me repeatedly, and I kept running into his pocket aces. He totally misplayed a hand, however, that ended up saving him a ton of money. I open QsQd UTG to 35. He calls in UTG+2 with pocket sixes. Everyone else clears out. I have about 1200 behind and he has me covered.

Flop comes Qx6d5d. I bet 55, he just flats. Turn is the Td, and we both check. River is another diamond, and we both check again. I don't really understand his flop play, he is supposed to raise to protect against the flush and straight draws not flat there. Then I would have ended up re-raising, and we might get it all in on the flop. As it is, he misplayed his hand and ended up losing the minimum. That sucked. Oh, and I finally won with pocket aces in this game, in which I successfully got it all-in preflop. Too bad my opponent only had like 400 total to start the hand with.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Crushing it!

81 big bet win in the 20/40 last night. Unfortunately, I played a little too late into the night and didn't get home until 6am. Nothing like a ten hour session on top of a full day's work. Fortunately Friday wasn't too bad of a day in terms of work schedule. But I did have to go to a funeral/memorial mass this morning at 10:30am. That was pretty emotional. All in all, I guess I can say I have had better Fridays in my life.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Not much to report . . .

I have been crazy busy at work. We got our silicon back from TSMC in Taiwan and we are in the process of bringing it up for the first time. As expected every day there are fires to fight and put out. So far things like promising, but we definitely are still having issues. Sometimes it sucks to be in charge.