Date : 5/12/2008
Place : Canterbury Park Card Club, Shakopee Minnesota
Mission: Pay for the family vacation
Result: Resounding success!
Man, the players at Canterbury Park were just horrible! It's like they just started spreading holdem, and nobody has figured out how to play the game properly! I won 1700 in like 2 hours of play at 15/30, when there was just an interest list for 30/60. It's not like I even played that many hands, but just about every pot I entered and played on past the flop I won. One example of a hand I played, I limped with KQs under the gun. Loose crazy Helen whom had been playing for like 45 minutes and in that 45 minutes I correctly had her pegged for loose crazy, unbluffable limps as well. Button pops it, small blind calls Doug -> weak tight, never folds, and big blind calls Dule -> reasonably decent player.
Flop comes Q, 6, 4 rainbow.
Following action:
check, check, bet(me), call(Helen), fold, checkraise(Doug), fold (Dule), reraise(me), call(Helen), reraise (Doug), call(me), call(Helen).
Turn K, still rainbow:
bet(Doug), raise (me), call (Helen), call (Doug)
River, offsuit deuce:
I got overcalled by Doug on the river. Guess the hands? Doug had AQ, for top-pair top kicker on the flop, but didn't 3-bet a field of limpers and a button raise preflop. I really didn't like his re-raise before the flop. His check-raise wasn't too worrisome, as I thought he probably just had a queen, reasonable kicker like a ten or jack. His 4-bet had me worried. Helen had K2 suited for a rivered two pair, plus a backdoor flush draw on the flop. Her call of 2-cold on the turn, plus my raise should have made Doug muck his hand, but oh-well. His overcall on the river is horrible.
After that I shortly moved over to a short-handed (5) 30/60 game. Game filled up reasonably quickly and was full for most of the 12 hours I played at the table. I made a straight flush with 56c about twenty minutes after someone else had made a straight flush with 56c as well. I got a free Canterbury Park cap for that. I made quad 7's on a pot with a live 60, and a blind 90 to start off with, with me first to act. I made it 4 bets to go, and it folded over to the blinds and the straddlers who all called. I flopped the set, and turned quads. No river payoff. I showed anyways. Would have flopped quad jacks, with QJd, but Dule open-raised UTG and I mucked even though he had been getting frisky lately. Player in the 1 seat 3-bet it, and eventually won it with pocket aces. Would've gotten max action from him if I had called preflop.
I played another interesting hand where on the button I had AQd, young wannabe-pro open raises from mid-position, next wanna-be pro isolation 3-bets. I call on the button. Flop comes Td, Jd, rag. Many bets go in on the flop. Turn is a rag, bet(donk1), raise (donk2), call (me), call (donk1). River is an offsuit queen. check-check-? (I took like 30 seconds before I decided what to do. At this point I thought did someone really play AK that way on the flop river the nuts and check it? I was 60% sure I had the best hand but wimped out and checked). donk1-KTo, donk2-KQs, I table AQd and take down the pot. It was like that all night, and I finished up 5900 after buying in for only 1500. I should move to Minnesota and play there professionally! :-)