Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Played my first session of 2009 last night. If last night is any indicator of how 2009 is going to be, I'll be a millionaire before July :-)! Let's just say I had a good night, an outlier on the chart, an aberration, an anomaly. One that I hope to make a regular occurrence.

I showed up at the casino at approximately 10:30 pm, yesterday. My wife and I got a baby sitter and we went out for a nice dinner and a movie, and then my wife gave me her blessing to go play some pokers. I got into a short handed 20/40 that was particularly juicy. I played for a little while, and then one of the weaker spots wanted to convert the game to 40/80. I was in the must move game with 3 other players, and the main game had 8 players. As soon as the main game lost another player, one of the players at my table would have to move, the game would become 3-handed and likely break. I told the floor man, that as soon as that happened that I would just leave, but if he made it a 40/80 game I would stick around for a while. I went to the bathroom to let them sort things out, and when I came back, we were coloring up our chips to play 40/80. The weak spot went busto, we played 3-handed for a little while, when farmer Chuck showed up and we played 4-handed for a while. After Chuck went busto, I went home.

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