Friday, January 23, 2009

Big Downswing

Lost 109BB in back to back 40/80 sessions. Both were mostly short-handed, mostly 3 and 4 handed, at most six. Not sure if the loss was totally due to my cards, cold-decks, and combination of bad play. In any case I will be much more careful in the future when playing against these particular players.

On a better note, I hopefully hit the bottom of my downswing and will start running well again. I booked a 4 rack win in the 40/80 last night and I am now down a little over 2k for the year in 97 hours of play, so nothing I can't overcome with a string of winning sessions. I pine for the days of when I seemed to run like a god, and couldn't have a losing session despite playing bad. I think the longest win streak I have ever had has been like 10 winning sessions in a row.

Back to the grindstone.

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