Thursday, June 12, 2008

WSOP Absence

World Series of Poker is going in Vegas right now. Means that the local cardroom has been kind of empty these days. Been on a pretty big downswing since returning from Minnesota, down 100 BB's in less than 100 hours of play. Been playing a lot of short-handed 20/40 as well. Arab James has been killing me lately. Flop top set of queens when I 3-bet preflop out of the big-blind, and he called two cold on the button with T9 offsuit. Don't worry, flop comes QJ8 to give me second nuts to his flopped straight and of course I can't fill up. Nights like that are frustrating sometimes. Would like to get out Vegas during WSOP time, maybe take a shot at the 100-200 game out there. We'll see.

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